Welcome to TryThought.com.
I’ve been wanting to create a web site for several years now, and this is the culmination of finally
battling through my procrastination. Unfortunately, I enjoy simply writing, and the overhead
aspects of maintaining a web site seem more like visiting the dentist; however, as the internet is
an essential communication tool and so many have asked me the web address of my blog, I’ve
decided to finally buckle down and do a bit of work to make some of my ideas and writing more
widely accessible.
My goal is to create an edgy site that opens minds through laughter and candor rather than
through mean-spirited diatribe. Be warned, though, I have no respect for dogma of any kind.
The big news, of course, is that
Secular Faith is finally available for purchase from many online
interested in learning more about the book, click on the image to the left. This will take you directly to the Secular Faith page.
This contains much information about the book and why I wrote it. You will also find an interview transcript which discusses
the book.
Feel free to navigate the site. It’s a bit of a work in progress, but hopefull I’ll have everything humming smoothly within a few
months. You can access the blog, photo journal, current and upcoming books, video projects, and the mission of this site. If
you are interested in tools I used to build this site, the base pages are made with
Xara Xtreme, a full-featured and affordable
tool with impressive photo editing capability. My blog and photo journal are made with